But now his energy spent , he felt tired , hot , irritable , ragged around the edges …
The train went along the coast, and he gazed out at the solid dark blue of the sea sparkling under the bright summer sky, glistening in the hot afternoon sun. As he looked out at the sea and the horizon under the clear blue sky, he felt that wondrous feeling of Mediterranean eternity.
When he got home, he jumped into his old Ford Fiesta and drove down to the beach. He took off his clothes and laid them down on the sand. He looked at the dark blue of the sea, the turquoise green and the white foam of the waves breaking on the shore and retreating in an endless gentle rhythm .He silently prayed to the sea as Bava Sagara , and gratefully dived into Grandfather Sea’s refreshing embrace. He felt the coolness of the water take away the heat and frayed feeling that seemed to be coming from the area of his liver on the right side of his body , the salt water seemed to drain away the negative and tired feelings in his being . He could feel the pure, gentle energy that he could sometimes feel in the centre of his body, flowing along his spinal cord. He surfaced and looked back joyously at the distant mountains, the beauty of their shape and colour ; there were no thoughts in his head , just silence. He looked back at the shore with its line of houses that now looked like something a child might have painted. It was as if the patina of tired adultness had lifted from his eyes and he could now see things again in the way a happy, innocent child might see the world. Suddenly the world was a wonderful place again, life was beautiful. His heart was filled with joy.