Dear brother,
Whilst on the airplane , flying far above the clouds in the inmensity of the beautiful blue sky, I remembered the answer I had forgotten - have forgotten for a long time- and had forgotten to tell you : It is to go beyond; to go beyond the limitations of our mind.
At a mental level sometimes things appear not to have a solution or simply we can't see it ,and we go round and round within our mind. As if beneath a clouded sky or immersed in those very clouds, we can't see the sun or the clear blue sky above them; the clear blue sky of unlimited possibilities , freedom and Joy.

Flying far above a city, we are reminded of how small our lives are down there , how minute the daily problems we fret about ...to go beyond is to go above the limited mind , like the airplane when it goes beyond the barrier of clouds , and like the substance of clouds, we can transcend the vapours of our thoughts... just mental vapours that cloud our perception of Reality, that higher scope of things where problems just fall away, limitations just evaporate ... Our awareness needs to go beyond the mind.