We just returned from a public meeting with one of the Native People's Grandmothers, Agnes Baker Pilgrim from the Takelma nation, who is touring the world with their message of peace and hope. She spoke about the Mother Earth and the need to respect her, and about water how we all come from it and that it is sacred and has a spirit. She stressed the importance of not only respecting our elders but also that we should grow into respectable elders.
Afterward Angela went to speak to her and asked her if she ever heard of self realization. She said no and Angela told her that her Mother taught her about this very energy Agnes had been speaking to us about and that her Mother taught her to feel the earth's heartbeat and to recognize the spirit in the water, the air and the fire. Angela thanked her for going all over the world with her beautiful message and asked Agnes if she could share with her this gift of self realization. Agnes said yes, and upon touching her Sahasrara Angela told her that from now on they would be one and Agnes embraced her.
Herbert Reininger at 02:39 on 06 March
More on the international council of thirteen indigenous grandmothers here: http://www.grandmotherscouncil.com/
More on the international council of thirteen indigenous grandmothers here: http://www.grandmotherscouncil.com/