Sunday, 11 April 2010

An amazing speech by a female aboriginal elder

“Today we are facing a new Era. The ancient Mayan culture speaks of this change, the ending of their old calendar in 2012, and the beginning of a new age. They, along with many other Indigenous cultures, also speak that these times as one of a more feminine nature, based in the heart and unconditional love.

But women in our modern world have a problem. We have begun to become financially and professionally empowered. Yet the most important need, for spiritual empowerment, is often neglected or ignored.

Our world is already in the time of transition and it will be a difficult time until the new era blossoms into an age of peace and understanding. If our world is to survive, spiritually empowered women must take their place in helping. It’s time for us to step up and step out. The time of hiding is over.

Most “aware” people know that it is necessary to heal our Mother Earth if we are to survive. However, it is equally as imperative to also heal ourselves and each other through unconditional love, compassion and respect. Moreover, women also need to help our men and boys develop their own feminine aspects of gentleness and sensitivity, compassion, nurturing, and kindness. We need to help our male counterparts learn to work from the heart.

It won’t be easy but if we don’t do all of this, we can’t help our planet and humanity risks extinction.

Women you are powerful – truly powerful, with unique gifts that are far-reaching. That is why we are considered a threat by so many male-dominated modern cultures and religious hierarchies. Women are especially tuned to walk in both the spiritual world and the everyday world. I have been taught that we are born spiritual; men have to strive hard to attain that state.

We are particularly adept at creating energy and change. Our great capacity for bonding has made us especially empathic and gifted at understanding and seeing past surface levels. Ultimately, our roles as caretakers and nurturers have opened our hearts and awareness to many levels of the universe. Our spiritual gifts are profound.

Unfortunately, women today have begun to lose that understanding of their gifts as they have grappled to survive in the callous male dominated societies of today. Many live tentative, cold, and fragmented lives as victims of violence, victims of unspeakable offenses against honour. Too often, their hearts and spirit have become uncertain and lost, awash in grief and fear. They have forgotten who they are. They have forgotten their original instructions as human beings and as women.

Yet, most Indigenous cultures recognised the unique and powerful qualities of women. In many cultures we were revered and respected. In some, the entire societal structure was Matriarchal. In others, the special spiritual gifts of women are recognised and we were considered to be the nurturing connection to the Divine. Throughout the Indigenous world, women often held the honoured roles of leaders, advisors, or wisdom-keepers. Often, we are the community healers and seers, although in many cultures this role is reserved for women in their post-menopausal years.

So it’s time that we start looking at our power, our bodies, and our moon-cycles with respect instead of as a “curse.” It’s vitally important that we choose to heal ourselves and regain the understanding of our own unique gifts; to re-claim our own power and ourselves. Then it will be up to each of you, your beliefs, and your own personal, spiritual journey as how to best walk with it all. You need to find your unique way to walk with spirit and continue to succeed with your professions and enterprises.

To quote an ancient Indigenous song, “Women of the earth, take courage. You carry the teaching of a people who look to you for guidance. Be mindful of your walk.”

You are the ones we have been waiting for. It’s time to step up. And yes, I’m speaking to each of you.”

Bilawara Lee, Larrakia Elder

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Interview with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

Here is a link to a video of an interview with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on the BBC in 1985
in which she explains a little about her unique method of Sahaja Yoga and Kundalini awakening:

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Letter to a brother

Dear brother,

Whilst on the airplane , flying far above the clouds in the inmensity of the beautiful blue sky, I remembered the answer I had forgotten - have forgotten for a long time- and had forgotten to tell you : It is to go beyond; to go beyond the limitations of our mind.

At a mental level sometimes things appear not to have a solution or simply we can't see it ,and we go round and round within our mind. As if beneath a clouded sky or immersed in those very clouds, we can't see the sun or the clear blue sky above them; the clear blue sky of unlimited possibilities , freedom and Joy.

Flying far above a city, we are reminded of how small our lives are down there , how minute the daily problems we fret about go beyond is to go above the limited mind , like the airplane when it goes beyond the barrier of clouds , and like the substance of clouds, we can transcend the vapours of our thoughts... just mental vapours that cloud our perception of Reality, that higher scope of things where problems just fall away, limitations just evaporate ... Our awareness needs to go beyond the mind.