Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Sons and daughters of Mother Earth

If we are the sons and daughters of Mother Earth, would we not carry some of her energy within us? The energy that is behind all living processes, that which causes evolution and at the same time keeps all things in balance and harmony within Nature?

What if a part of this energy of Mother Earth was sleeping within us?

What if this gentle, maternal energy could be awakened within us?

And what if She could re-establish harmony and balance within us by reconnecting us to the Primordial energy that governs the universe?

Sunday, 16 November 2008

How is Sahaja Yoga different from other yogas ?

Sahaja Yoga is a unique form of yoga in that its practice begins by achieving the goal of all traditional yogas : Self Realization. However, initially this will only be a partial experience of the full potential of your Self Realization ; you then work to establish , strengthen and deepen the initial experience .
This experience is the awakening and connexion of your own individual spiritual energy with that of the Primordial Energy of the Universe . From my experience, this is the only yoga that truely awakens your own inner reservoir of spiritual energy , through a very gentle and natural process. This inner reservoir of spiritual energy within us has been described in all religious and spiritual traditions around the world. It is known, for example as the Kundalini , ( "coiled energy") , in India, as the Tao in China , or the Ruh or the Breath of God in the Middle East .

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Sahaja Yoga is...

...moments of higher awareness , moments of clear blue sky beyond the clouds of my ignorance and the labrinth of my thoughts ; moments of beauty , when all becomes serene , when all is peaceful , and there is harmony among the clear blue sky and the beautiful clouds, sailing in lakes of blue stillness, beneath the gentle sun ...